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Fish knowledge doesn’t happen overnight. At Mer du Nord, we have over 30 years of experience, which we’re happy to share with you! Below, we try to teach you as much as possible and, above all, to inspire you. Fish recipes, fish facts and seasonal fish… You’ll find all about it. Have a question? Or a subject you’d like to read about, let us know!


mosselen - bodemcultuur

There are the mussels at last!

They took a little longer than usual to arrive, but there are the Zeeland mussels at last! Grown according to traditional soil culture, well-filled and tasty. Available in our fish shop and ‘à la plancha’ at our fish bar. Mussels…
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Team Mer du Nord on annual leave!

From Monday, July 22 through Monday, August 12 inclusive, our fish bar and fish store will be closed. Our team then rests well deservedly so that we can face the second part of this year with 2000% energy! Curious about…
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Why is the season of mussels delayed?

The season of mussels is delayed. This is because the quality of mussels is still insufficient. Nevertheless, you can already find mussels in many restaurants and shops. Here, these are mussels cultivated according to hanging culture, and not through natural…
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The new Maatjes are here!

Good news for lovers of the ‘Dutch New’, as the new Maatjes season has started! A little later than usual, but oh how delicious they are again. By the way, did you know that Dutch Maatjes are not only fished…
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Grey shrimp shortage

You’ve probably seen it appear on every medium: grey shrimp are very scarce in Belgium these days. There are several reasons for this: too much whiting in the sea (which the grey shrimp themselves like to eat), overfishing on grey…
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Beer for charity: Maatwerk Brut

Drinking a delicious alcoholic beer and supporting charity in the process? Yes you can. Starting this weekend, you can order Maatwerk Brut at our fishbar! Maatwerk Brut? Never heard of it, you say? You can. After all, the beer is…
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‘No’ to fish waste!

Did you know that at the North Sea we produce as little food and fish waste as possible? We do this by reusing and processing as many of our quality products as possible. Our fresh fish is delivered daily. We…
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Noors dieet, gezonde voeding

How fish makes for a healthy body

Although we at the North Sea are not big fans of diet culture, we do applaud a healthy diet. And let fish be just the ingredient that can contribute to that healthy lifestyle. This is also proven by the Norwegian…
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Zalm is rijk aan Omega 3

Fish, is it really that healthy?

Is fish really as healthy as everyone claims? The answer is ‘yes’. But just why is it so healthy? And what health benefits can we get from it? Let us explain. Although you can already get a good portion of…
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Fish from our waters: always the best choice!

No, by “fish from with us,” we don’t necessarily mean “fish from our North Sea. What we do mean is that eating “fish from our (Belgian) waters” is always the best choice! We’ll explain why! Tomato shrimp, a delicious sole…
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How long can you store fish?

When you buy fish in a (fish) store, the (normally) is squeaky fresh. Therefore, it’s best to eat the fish you’ve bought on the day. Then the quality will be the best. Still, you can also store fish a little…
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Pasta vongole

Ingredients for 4 persons 3 shallots 2 cloves of garlic 1 bunch of (flat) parsley 1 kg clams salt 500 g spaghetti (or other pasta) olive oil pepper Preparations The pasta Put a large pot of water on the stove…
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Tartaar van tonijn

Tuna Tartare

Ingredients for 4 persons 400 g fresh tuna 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 small piece of ginger, chopped 1 bunch of coriander, finely chopped 8 Chinese cherry (physalis), sliced 1 small kl of wasabi 2 limes, the juice 1 kl…
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Rog met kappertjes en botersaus

Rye with capers and crispy patatoes

Ingredients for 4 persons 4 fresh ray wings ½ bunch of curly parsley 1 lemon butter flour pepper salt 4 tablespoons capers 400 g potatoes (firm cooking) Preparations Fish Remove the ray(s) from the fridge and season with salt and…
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Zeetong Meunière

Sole Meunière

Ingredients for 4 persons 800g potatoes 1 cabbage lettuce 1 shallot a few sprigs of chives a few sprigs of tarragon 1 bunch of (flat) parsley 4 dover soles skinned 1 dash of olive oil 80g butter pepper salt a…
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20th edition Maatjesfestival

Are you familiar with the Maatjesfestival yet? No? High time to work on that! After all, this year we are celebrating the 20th edition of the festival. We promise to make it something great! Every year we celebrate the arrival…
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