There are the mussels at last!

mosselen - bodemcultuur

They took a little longer than usual to arrive, but there are the Zeeland mussels at last! Grown according to traditional soil culture, well-filled and tasty. Available in our fish shop and ‘à la plancha’ at our fish bar.

Mussels are basically there all year round (like so many products). Still, mussels – and this applies to any food product – are best eaten during their specific season. For (Zeeland & French bouchot) mussels, that means mid-July to March.

What is soil culture?

A cultivation process according to soil culture is basically the traditional way of farming mussels. The mussels are cultivated at the bottom of the sea and thus capture a lot more ‘raw materials’ such as nutrients and vitamins from the soil. This makes the fruit a lot bigger and firmer, and the mussel also has more flavour.

Mussels eaten out of season are usually mussels grown according to hanging culture. This is a different way of growing mussels and is of lower quality. Read more about it here.

Attention: for the time being, we do not serve bouchot mussels at Mer du Nord – Noordzee. This is because the quality is still insufficient and the fruit is consequently too small and tasteless. Keep an eye on our website or social media for updates!