Grey shrimp shortage


You’ve probably seen it appear on every medium: grey shrimp are very scarce in Belgium these days. There are several reasons for this: too much whiting in the sea (which the grey shrimp themselves like to eat), overfishing on grey shrimp and the changing environment. High demand and small supply automatically create expensive prices.

Those who buy grey shrimp in our fish store pay a price of €120/KG for it. That is very expensive, much more expensive than we would want to sell them. Unfortunately, due to the scarcity of grey shrimp, we cannot do otherwise. After all, there are very few (peeled) grey shrimp on the market. And the ones that can be found are bought up by our neighbors to the north.

To counter the scarcity in the sea, restrictions to grey shrimp fishing are currently being imposed. Although these restrictions allow us to eat less grey shrimp, these rules do have an advantage: currently, shrimp can reproduce and multiply peacefully. That is, soon again more grey shrimp at acceptable prices!