‘No’ to fish waste!

Did you know that at the North Sea we produce as little food and fish waste as possible? We do this by reusing and processing as many of our quality products as possible.

Our fresh fish is delivered daily. We do this to ensure both freshness, and quality on an ongoing basis. But because we don’t sell out every day, there are still fish left in our counter every day. We obviously don’t throw those not away.

Fish for our fish bar or fish preparations

If the fresh fish in our fish eye is not sold, it is used for other purposes: some of it is prepared on our plancha (fish bar) and served on site, some of it is used again in our fish salads and other kitchen preparations for our caterer. And the fish bones that are left over also get a function in our kitchen: they are used to prepare our fumets or broths. These, in turn, are then used in our fish soups and other preparations. In this way, we produce little to no food and fish waste at the North Sea.